You pushed the buttonnWe heard your callnAgain and againnWhat is wrong with you, my lovennToo much to to do, too much to takenToo fast to stay, much more to getnNothing to reach, no chance to seenNo time to loosenBetter not feel, the cold insidenJust kills another childnJust kills another childnToo much to to do, too much to takenToo fast to stay, much more to getnNothing to reach, no chance to seenNothing to loose, better not feelnnWhat is wrong with you my lovenYou left home at dawnnA misty cold morning long agonWas the beginning of a dreamnA nightmare yet, but still a dreamnOf frozen stars and blood like icenLeft behind in the darknessnExists no timenA dream of freedom, peace and lovenWake up, your nightmare became alivenThe past drops into the futurenPresent feels like death without your lovennToo much to to do, too much to takenToo fast to stay, much more to getnNothing to reach, no chance to seenNo time to loosenBetter not feel, the cold insidenJust kills another childnJust kills another childnnWhat is wrong with you my lovenYou left home at dawnnA misty cold morning long agonWas the beginning of a dreamnA nightmare yet, but still a dreamnOf frozen stars and blood like icenLeft behind, in the darkness, exists no timenA dream of freedom, peace and lovenWake up, your nightmare became alivenThe past drops into the futurenPresent feels like death without your lovenWhat is wrong with you my lovenYou left home at dawn