The zoo was as clean as a knifenThe weather was warm and benignnThe keepers and curators slept in their hammocksnAnd all was exquisite and finenIt was 1979nnPhineas Parsec of the Canterbury TribenWho was king o'er the apes at that timenBrought to Ohio just two summers priornImprisoned but having committed no crimen(no crime)nIt was 1979nnPhineas Parsec climbed up on his rocknAnd smelled the raw flesh on the breezenArched his silver back and saw the giraffesnWho were milling about as they pleasednAnd he knew that they were a disease.n(a disease ruth!)nnBobo the fucking giraffennWho was tallest and fairest of allnAnd Phineas hated him with all of his soulnBecause Phineas wanted so much to be tallnAnd Bobo didn't notice at alln(what gall)nSo Phineas hatched a fine plannAnd threw back his head with a laughnClimbed out of his cage fairly howling with ragenAnd he smote that fucking giraffenIt was 1979nThe bloodshed attracted attentionnFrom a child who was walking nearbynHe looked in the cage at what used to be BobonAnd his ice cream cone landed an eyennAfter that all hell broke loosenBobo had powerful friendsnThe elephants and tigers broke out of their cagesnAnd Phineas came to a grisly end.nAnd the rest is history my friend.nnA wolf fell into a walrus's tanknCrushing it's skull on a rocknIt's parents were busy with komodo dragonsnAnd the zookeepers' eyes were pecked out by peacocksnnThe gorilla's were eating koalasnBecause that's what they really eatnThe last living panda acquired a shotgunnAnd rhinos made love in the streetnnThe zoo became eerily calmnThe cages and walkways ran rednThe only survivor, a small baby tigernLooked up at the sky and he saidnThe survivors will envy the deadnnBack in 1979