Boisa-Bis-o-BoisanGoisa-Gis-o-Gisan[x8]nnSpider baby see the daylight burstncry mommy as they rehearsednnice spiders always finish lastnspider baby's having mommy for breakfastnnI played the piano for themnI've written a piece for themncalled spider symphony number 10nthe spider ain't my friendnnBoisa-Bis-o-BoisanGoisa-Gis-o-Gisan[x4]nnSo I walk out, out in the nightnI love the nature, nature's always rightnit tells me not, not to fightnnature and justice just ain't that tightnnso I killed the hostagenI define what the concept of trust isnmaybe it's the opposite to what lust isnmaybe it's just this that can make me a nihilistnnBoisa-Bis-o-BoisanGoisa-Gis-o-Gisan[x4]nnIn a clearing I sit down on the grassnwaited till midnight for the after midnight jazzncoming from the crickets and the instrumentsnthe time, the sound and the sentimentnof the trees in the summernwhy make me dumbernsomehow I forgot your numbernfall into a deep deep slumbernnand I slept for 1,000 yearsnand I cried 1,000 tearsn[x2]nnand I slept for 1,000 yearsnnBoisa-Bis-o-BoisanGoisa-Gis-o-Gisan[x4]