She fell, collapsed into a crowded street in maynshe'll never be the same, I wish she wasnI look and wash the drying tears off of her facennever to erase what has been donencould it be the stress of this dying messndamn damn that crowded street in mayncould it be the stress of this dying messndamn damn that crowded street in maynnow she's a burden, just some water for a firenI say I'm still in love, but I'm a liarnshe walked the daylight in gown worn on her wedding day ndenying what's been taken all in stridencould it be the stress of this dying messndamn damn that crowded street in mayncould it be the stress of this dying messndamn damn that crowded street in mayncould it be the stress of this dying messndamn damn that crowded street in mayncould it be the stress of this dying messndamn damn that crowded street in may