Doctor Faustus: Horshoes Splackin' SwallowsnHaycart, Cart-Horse. Of the peasant blockin' hisnpath. Doctor Faustus: Power showin', spits outnHay-cart, cart-horse, hay and box at the gates ofnANHOLT. Dr. Faustus: At the court of the count,nmade fruits exotic pleasure-lichous, appear behindncurtains in winter. Dr. Faustus: At the decadentncourt, made animals from sun-lands appear in thensparse gartens of Vinter in ze likkle willage.nDoktor Faustus: Horse-shoes clackin', swallowsncart-horse, hay-cart of the peasant blockin' hisnpath. Must leave his student friends. FAUSTUS!nCome get yer chips! Pull me blood silhouette, treunthe ceiling sky. Cast me blood silhouette, thrunthe ceiling sky.