life's a bitch.nnlive it like a kid.nntest ya luck.nnthrow ya metal horns up.nnnnlife's a bitch.nnlive it like a kid.nntest ya luck.nnthrow ya metal horns up.nnnnliving every day like it's my last.nnfollowing my dreams, because days fly fast.nnnever ever get lost in the shit of the past.nnlive every day like it's your last.nnnnget crunk (get crunk) or get lost. (get lost)nnget crunk (get crunk) or get lost. (get lost)nnnnthis is...nnlife.nnthis is...nndeath.nnnnchoose your side.nnbefore it's too late.nnnnlearn from your mistakes.nnand love your enemy.nnhe will come like a thief.nnand steal you in the night.