close yourneyes, shut your mouth, listen tonme, i´ve something to saynncan you imagine, that you have a child,nand she would say, the following words:nn„i love a man and his skinnis deep black“ - „i love a girlnand her skin is deep black“ nn„i love a girl, i am homosexual“ - n„i love a man, i am homosexual“nn„i don´t believe in god and all that stuff“nnpretty, that´s my baby mynown project and it´s.. nour fightnnsteady, i´m just trying tonshape my perfect imaginary child -nour fight never endsnnhe´s sonperfect that i can´t regognize innhim my fucking nature - our fightnnmy child will not be likenme and will never negative sidesn(- our fight is a dream) nnjeder versucht sein glück zu finden,njede hürde bietet raum umnschuldige zu suchennnidealbilder der köpfe sind individuell, keine massenproduktionnnare you reallynfree of prejudice?