(Inner strength)
(Inner strength)
You say you're totally aware,
But do you hear what I say
Can you see me here, In front
Of you, Can you really relate
(Image) From you to me
(Someday) We'll surely see
Think you got the power,
When you're looking at me
You create a violent image,
For the people to see
So very self confident, And
Totally secure, Because,
You've, Got the, Inner strength,
And the will to endure
(Inner strength) For personal,
Satisfaction and you know where the action is
(Inner strenght) It's shining down,
From above and, It only gives the power to love
(Inner strength) For generations across,
The nations and you know where the love begins
(Inner strength) It generates inside,
Of you, And once it starts from within
You'll always be the one who wins
(Inner strength) For personal,
Satisfaction and you know where the action is
(Inner strenght) It's shining down,
From above and, It only gives the power to love
(Inner strenght) For generations across,
The nations and you know where the love begins
(Inner strenght) It generates inside,
Of you, And once it starts from within
You'll always be the one who wins
You're the chosen one,
With the message for me
And you've got the inner strength,
and the will to succeed
So very self confident,
And totally secure because,
You've got the inner strength,
And the will to endure
(Inner strength)
(Inner strength)