If it's water that will cleansenI will take you down to the river bendnand we'll jump right innlet the current bind and overwhelm usnand see the golden lights, once or twicennwhen we're weeds and ashnwhen we're a finite silver dressnover rocks and cracksnwho will know our shoulder blades and bouldersnndon't say I didn't trynI tried, your grief has made me blindnnI am talking about the lonesomenhow they walk over graves alwaysnI am talking about the lonesomenthe way those paper flowers fadenI am talking about forgivenessnand they do it away with shamennno more gravesnno more gravesnno more gravesnHow you like it now on the shores of JordannHow you like it now on the shores of JordannHow you like it now on the shores of JordannChildren come home out of the canyonnnno more gravesnno more gravesnno more gravesnHow you like it now on the shores of JordannHow you like it now on the shores of JordannHow you like it now on the shores of JordannChildren come home out of the canyon