Now I'm Crying
Guided by Voices

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  "Dayton, Ohio - 19 Something And 5"   (I Wanna Be a) Dumbcharger   #2 In The Model Home Series   10-5-55-30   14 Cheerleader Cold Front   14 Cheerleader Coldfront   158 Years Of Beautiful Sex   2nd moves to twin   3rd World Birdwatching   A Big Fan Of The Pigpen   A Bird with No Name   A Burning Glass   A Contest Featuring Human Beings   A Crick Uphill   A Farewell To Arms   A Good Circuitry Soldier   A Good Flying Bird   A Kind Of Love   A Life In Finer Clothing   A Portrait Destroyed By Fire   A Salty Salute   A Visit to the Creep Dr.   A Year That Could Have Been Worse   Acorns & Orioles   Acorns & Orioles   Acorns And Orioles   Acorns Orioles   Adverse Wind   Again The Waterloo   Aim Correctly   Alex and the Omegas   Alien Lanes   All American Boy   All For Sex And Better Whiskey   All of The This Will Go   All of This Will Go   Alone Stinking & Unafraid   Alone Stinking and Unafraid   Alright   Always Crush Me   Amanda Gray   Ambergris   Amorphous Surprise   An Earful O' Wax   An Unmarketed Product   Announcers And Umpires   Apology in Advance   Apparent The Red Angus   Are You Faster?   Artificial Light   As We Go up We Go Down   As We Go Up, We Go Down   Ascended Masters Grogshop   Asia Minor   At Odds with Doctor Genesis   At Odds With Dr. Genesis   At The Farms   Atom Eyes   Auditorium   Authoritarian Zoo   Avalanche Aminos   Awful Bliss   Back to Saturn X Radio Report   Back to the Lake   Bad And Rare   Bad Love is Easy To Do   Barricade   Be Impeccable   Beatles and Stones   Beekeeper Seeks Ruth   Best Thing Goin' Round   Big Boring Wedding   Big Chief Chinese Restaurant   Big School   Big Trouble   Billy Wire   Biographer Seahorse   Biopgrapher Seahorse   Birds   Bite   Black Ghost Pie   Blanks   Blatant Doom   Blatant Doom Trip   Blimpe Go 90   Blimps Go 90   Bloodbeast   Blue Babbleships Bay   Blue Gil   Blue Moon Fruit   Boadcastor House   Bomb In The Bee-Hive   Born On Seaweed   Bottoms Up! (You Fantastic Bastard)   Break Even   Bright Paper Werevolves   Bright Paper Werewolves   Broadcastor House   Buffalo Spiders   Bughouse   Bughouse (2 Versions)   Build a Better Iceberg   Bulldog Skin   Bulldog Skin [Demo Version]   Bulletin Borders   Bunco Men   Bunco Men - Elf God   Burning Flag Birthday Suit   Burns Carpenter, Man of Science   Buzzards and Dreadful Crows   Call Me   Calling Up Washington   Calling Zero   Can't Hear The Revolution   Can't Stop   Canteen Plums   Captain's Dead   Captain’s Dead   Car Language   Carnival At The Morning Star School   Carnival Boy   Catfood On The Earwig   Cath   Chain to the Moon   Chain Wallet Bitch   Chasing Heather Crazy   Cheerleader Cold Front   Cherry - Ann Doesn't Love Me Know More   Cheyenne   Chicken Blows   Chief Barrel Belly   Child Activist   Chocolate Boy   Choking Tara   Choking Tara (Creamy)   Choking Tara [Creamy Version][#]   Choking Tara [Demo Version]   Chowder, Anyone?   Christian Animation Torch Carriers   Cigarette Tricks   Cinnamon Flavoured Skulls   Circle of Trim   Circling Motorhead Mountain   Circus World   Class Clown Spots A UFO   Climb   Closer You Are   Club Molluska   Coastal Town   Cocaine Jane   Cocksoldiers And Their Postwar Stubble   Cold War Water Sports   Color Of My Blade   Common Rebels   Cool off Kid Kilowatt   Cooler Jocks   Copy Zero   Corduroy   Correcto   Costume Makes the Man   Crocker's Favorite Song   Cruise   Crunch Pillow   Crutch Came Slinking   Crux   Crybaby 4-Star Hotel   Curse Of The Black Ass Buffalo   Cut Out Witch   Cut-Out Witch   Cyclone Utilities (Remember Your Birthday)   Cyclops   Daily Planet   Damn Good Mr. Jam   Dank Star Ground Control   Daughter Of The Gold Rush   Dayton, Ohio - 19 Something And 5   Dead Cloud   Deaf Ears   Deathtrot and Warlock Riding a Rooster   Delayed Reaction Brats   Demons Are Real   Devil Doll   Difficult Outburst and Breakthrough   Discussing Wallace Chambers   Do the Collapse   Do The Earth   Do They Teach You To Chase? (UK Version)   Doctor Moon   Dodging Invisible Rays   Dog's Out   Dome Rust   Don't stop Now   Don't Stop Now   Donkey School   Dorothy's A Planet   Doughnut For A Snowman   Doughnut For A Snowman   Doughnut For A Snowman (EP)   Down by the Racetrack   Drag Days   Dragons Awake   Dragons Awake!   Draw(in)g To A (W)hole   Draw(in)g to a (W)hole (The Clean cover)   Drinker's Peace   Drinker’s Peace   Driving In The US oF A   Dropping The Bomb   Drugs & Eggs   Dumbluck Systems Stormfront   Dungeon Of Drunks   Dust Devil   Dusted   Dusty Bushworms   Dying   Dying To Try This   E-5   E's Navy Blue   Echos Myron   Edison's Memos   Either Nelson   Electric Indians   Ester's Day   Eureka Signs   Evangeline Dandelion   Everyday   Everywhere Is Miles From Everywere   Everywhere with Helicopter   Evil Speakers   Ex-Supermodel   Excellent Things   Exit Flagger   Expecting Brainchild   Exploding Anthills   Exploratory Rat Fink Committee   Factory of Raw Essentials   Fair Touching   Fantasy Creeps   Father Sgt. Christmas Card   Feathering Cluless (the Exotic Freebird)   Feel Try Fury   Fighter Pilot   Fine To See You   Finger Gang   Finks   Flesh Ears From June   Flunky Minnows   Fly   Fly Baby   Fly Into Ashes   Fly into Ashes [Demo Outtake][Outtake]   Forever Since   Forever Until It Breaks   Fountain Of Youth   Frogmen   From a Voice Plantation   Frostman   Game Of Pricks   Gas Daddy Gas   Gayle   Gelatin, Ice Cream, Plum   Gelatin, Ice Cream, Plum=8A   Get to know the Ropes - The Rope   Ghosts Of A Different Dream   Gift   Girl From The Sun   Glad Girls   Gleemer   Gleemer (The Deeds of Fertile Jim)   Glow Boy Butlers   Go For The Answers   Go Gold   Go Rolling Home   Go Without Packing   God Loves Us   Gold Hick   Gold Star For Robot Boy   Good For A Few Laughs   Good For A Few Laughs - Academy Of Crowsfeet   Grandfather Westinghouse   Grasshopper Rap   Green face   Greenface   Ha Ha Man   Hang Mr. Kite   Hang Up and Try Again   Hangover Child   Hank's Little Fingers   Hardcore UFO's   Hardcore Ufo’s   Hardcore Ufos   Have A Jug   Have It Again   He Rises! Our Union Bellboy   He's The Uncle   He’s The Uncle   Heavy Metal Country   Her Psychology Today   Hermit Stew   Hey Aardvark   Hey Hey Spaceman   Hey Mr. Soundman   Hey Mr. Soundman split 7 with Grifters   Hey Mr. Soundman split 7\" with Grifters   Hey, Baby   Hit   Hold On Hope   Hold On To Yesterday   Hollow Cheek   Hope Not (I Certainly Hope Not)   Hot Freaks   How Brown?   How I Met My Mother   How Loft Am I?   How Loft I Am?   How's My Drinking?   How's My Drinking?   However Young They Are   Hunter Complex   I Am A Scientist   I Am A Tree   I Am Columbus   I Am Produced   I Am Produced [Live]   I Can See It In Your Eyes   I Can't Freeze Anymore   I Didn't Know   I Hate Your Perfume   I.B.C.   I'll Buy You A Bird   I'll Name You The Flame That Cries   I'm Cold   I'm Dirty   Idiot Princess   If We Wait   If We Wait [DVD]   Imperial Racehorsing   Impressions of a Leg   In Stitches   In The Model Home Series   In Walked The Moon   Indian Fables   Indian Was An Angel   Industry Standard   Interest Position   Intro   Intro (Life Starts Here - Airport 5 )   Ironrose Worm   Is She Ever   Is She Ever?   Island (She Talks in Rainbows)   Isolation Drills   It Is Divine   It Travels Faster Through Thin Hair   It's a Bad Ticket   It's Easy   It's Like Soul Man   It's Like Soul Man   Jabberstroker   James Riot   Jane Of The Waking Universe   Jar Of Cardinals   Jellyfish Reflector   Johnny Appleseed   Jon The Croc   June Salutes You!   Jupiter Spin   Keep It In Motion   Kerouac Never Drove, So He Never Drove Alone   Key Losers   Kicker Of Elves   King & Caroline   King & Caroline   King and Caroline   King Arthur The Red   Kiss Only Important Ones   Kisses To The Crying Cooks   Knife Song   Knock 'Em Flying   Knock'em Flyin'   Know Me as Heavy   Land Of Danger   Lariat Man   Laundry And Lasers   Learning To Hunt   Let's Go Back To Bed   Let's Go To China   Let's Go Vike   Let's Go! (To War)   Let's Ride   Lethargy   Liar's Tale   Liar’s Tale   Life Is Beautiful   Lifetime For The Mavericks   Like I Do   Lips of Steel   Liquid Indian   Little Head   Little Jimmy The Giant   Little Lines   Little Lines [Live]   Little Whirl   Littlest League Possible   Living Upside Down   Lizard Food   Local Mix-Up / Murder Charge   Local Mix-up/murder Charge   Lonely Street   Lonely Town   Long As The Block Is Black   Long Distance Man   Long Way To Run   Look At Them   Look To The Left   Look, It's Baseball   Lord of Overstock   Lost In Spaces   Love 1   Love Beat   Mag Earwhig!   Males of Wormwood Mars   Mallard Smoke   Mammoth Cave   Man Called Aerodynamics   Manenequin's Complaint (Wax Dummy Meltdown)   Mansfield on the Sky   Marchers In Orange   Martin's Mounted Head   Matter Eater Lad   Maxwell Jump   Meddle   Medley : This View/True Sensation/On The Wall   Melted Pat   Messenger   Metal Mothers   Mice Feel Nice (In My Room)   Mincer Ray   Mission Experiences   Mobile   Mongoose Orgasm   Morning Has Broken   Mosquitoes Dropped Their Javelins   Motor Away   Motor Away [*]   Mr. Gene   Mr. Japan   Mr. McCaslin Will Sell No More Flowers   Mr. Media   Much Better Mr. Buckles   Mushroom Art   Mute Superstar   My Big Day (Three Versions)   My Europa   My Feet's Trustworthy Existance   My Impression Now   My Kind Of Soldier   My Son Cool   My Son Cool (why wasn't this here before?)   My Thoughts Are A Gas   My Thoughts Are A Gas (What's Up Matador)   My Valuable Hunting Knife   Narrated By Paul   Natives Approach Our Plane   Navigating Flood Regions   Never Forget Where You Get Them   New You (You Can See And Believe)   Newton's Hopeless Marriage   No Sky   No Transmission   No Welcome Wagons   Noble Insect   Non-absorbing   None Of Them Any Good   North American Vampires   Not Behind The Fighter Jet   Not Good For The Mechanism   Now To War   Now to War [Live]   Office of Hearts   Official Ironmen Rally Song   Oh Blinky   Oil Birds   Old Battery   Old Bones   On Short Wave   On The Tundra   On With The Show   Once In A While   One More   One, Two, Three, Four   Optical Hopscotch   Optional Bases Opposed   Orange Jacket   Order For The New Slave Trade   Our Value Of Luxury   Out In The World   Ovarian Angel Architect   Over The Neptune/mesh Gear Fox   Over the neptune/Mesh Gear Fox (A Rock Anthem)   Pantherz   Paper Girl   Peace Needle   Peep-hole   Pendulum   Perch Warble   Perfect This Time   Perhaps Now the Vultures   Peroxide   Pick Seeds From My Skull   Picture From The Brainbox   Picture Me Big Time   Pictures of the Man   Pimple Zoo   Pink Drink   Pink Gun   Pivotal Film   Plainskin   Planet Score   Planet's Own Brand   Planet’s Own Brand   Playhouse Hostage   Please Freeze Me   Pleeze Freeze me   Pluto The Skate   Pop Zeus   Portable Men's Society   Portable Men's Society   Postal Blowfish   Postal Blowfish [*]   Postal Blowfish [#]   Pressurized   Pretty Bombs   Privately   Psychotic Crush   Quality Of Armor   Queen Of Cans & Jars   Queen Of Cans & Jars   Queen of Cans and Jars   Queen Of Second Guessing   Quiet Game   Radical Girl   Radio Show   Rainbow Billy   Raphael   Real   Record Level Love   Red Gas Circle   Red Hot Halos   Redboots And The Helmet   Redmen and Their Wives   Reflections in a Metal Whistle   Remain Lodging (At Airport 5)   Reptilian Beauty Secrets   Rhine Jive Click   Ringworm Interiors   Roll of the Dice, Kick in the Head   Rubber Man   Run Wild   Running Off With The Fun City Girls   Sabotage   Sad If I Lost It   Sad If I Lost It [DVD]   Sadness Is To End   Salvation Army Bacon And Eggs   Satellite   Satyr at Styx & Rubicon   Save the Company   Scalding Creek   Scalping The Guru   Scary Out There   Scissors   Scissors And The Clay Ox (In)   Scorpion Lounge Shutdown   Selective Service   Send to Celeste (And the Cosmic Athletes)   Sensational Gravity Boy   Settlement Down   She Goes Off at Night   She Lives In An Airport   She Wants To Know   Sheet Kickers   Sheetkickers   Shifting Swift Is A Lift   Shine (Tomahawk Breath)   Shit Midas   Short On Posters   Shrine To The Dynamic Years (Athens Time Change Ri...   Silver Eyeballs   Sing It Out   Sir Garlic Breath   Sister, I Need Wine   Skills Like This   Skin Parade   Skin To Skin Combat   Slopes Of Big Ugly   Smoggy Boy   Smothered In Hugs   Snowman   Snuff Movie (She's Gone)   Some Drilling Implied   Some Of The Magic Syrup Was Preserved   Some Things Are Big (And Some Things Are Small)   Sometimes I Cry   Song Of Love   Sonny The Monster   Sopor Joe   Sot   Speak Like Men   Spiderfighter   Spinning Around   Spring Tiger   Spring Tigers   Squirmish Frontal Room   Stabbing A Star   Standing in a Puddle of Flesh   Star Peppered Wheat Germ   Starboy   Starfire   Static Airplane Jive   Steak And Eggs   Steeple Of Knives   Stifled Man Casino   Storm Vibrations   Straps Hold Up The Jaw   Straw Dogs   Strawdogs   Striped White Jets   Strumpet Eye   Subatomic Rain   Subtle Gear Shifting   Superior Sector Janitor X   Supermarket The Moon   Surgical Focus   Sweeping Bones   Systems Crash   Table at Fool’s Tooth   Table At Foolu2019S Tooth   Taciturn Caves   Taco, Buffalo, Birddog and Jesus   Take to the Sky   Tear It Out   Teenage FBI   Television Prison   That Girl Moore   The Best Of Jill Hives   The Big Hat And Toy Show   The Bone Church   The Brides Have Hit Glass   The Candyland Riots   The Challenge Is Much More   The Colossus Crawls West   The Colussus Crawls West   The Corners Are Glowing   The Cost of Shipping Cattle   The Dawntrust Guarantee   The Drinking Jim Crow   The Enemy   The Finest Joke Is Upon Us   The Flying Party   The Fool Ticket   The Future Is In Eggs   The Goldheart Mountaintop Queen Directory   The Great Blake St. Canoe Race   The Hard Way   The Head   The Ids Are Alright   The Key Losers   The Kissing Life   The Kite Surfer   The Last Man Well Known To Kingpin   The Main Street Wizards   The Megaphonic Thrift (An Odd Assembly)   The Military School Dance Dismissal   The Natural Alarm   The No Doubters   The Official Ironmen Rally Song   The Old Grunt   The Opposing Engineer (Sleeps Alone)   The Opposite Continues   The Other Place   The Perfect Life   The Pipe Dreams Of Instant Prince Whippet   The Qualifying Remainder   The Room Taking Shape   The Singing Razorblade   The Sonny Liston Fan Club   The Stir - Crazy Pornographer   The Stir-Crazy Pornographer   The Sudden Death of Epstein's Ways   The Terrible Two   The Theory Of Broken Circles   The Things That Never Need   The Top Chick's Silver Chord   The Tumblers   The Ugly Vision   The Unsinkable Fats Domino   The Valium Restaurant   The Weeping Bogeyman   The Wheel Hits The Path (Quite Soon)   The Who Vs. Porky Pig   The Winter Cows   The Worryin' Song   They and Them   They're Not Witches   They're Not Witches   Things I Will Keep   Things I Will Keep (for Jim Sheppard)   Throat Of Throats   Time Machines   To My Beloved Martha   To Remake The Young Flyer   Tobacco's Last Stand   Tobacco\'s Last Stand   Tomorrow You May Rise   Total Exposure   Tractor Rape Chain   Tractor Rape Chain (Clean It Up)   Trampoline   Trap Soul Door   Trash Can Full of Nails   Trashed Aircraft   Travels   Tree Fly Jet   Trendspotter Acrobat   Tricyclic Looper   Tropic Of Nipples   Tropical Robots   Tropical Robots [DVD]   Try To Find You   Trying To Make It Work Again   Twilight Campfighter   Tykie Love (Text Book Memorial Hemmingway)   Tyson’s High School   Unbated Vicar Of Scorched Earth   Uncle Dave   Underdogs   Underground Initiations   Underwater Explosions   United   Universal Nurse Finger   Universal Truths and Cycles   Unleashed! Large Hearted Boy   Unleashed! The Large-Hearted Boy   Unshaven Bird   Unspirited   Unstable Journey   Until Next Time   Up Instead Of Running   Up The Nails   Volcano Divers   Vote for Me Dummy   Waking Up The Stars   Want One?   War & Wedding   Watch Me Jumpstart   Waves   Waving At Airplanes   We Won't Apologize For The Human Race   We're In The Business   We've Got Airplanes   We've Got Airplanes   Weed King   What About It?   What Are We Coming Up To?   What Kind Of Love Affair?   When She Turns 50   Where I Come From   Where is Out There   White Car Creek   White Flag   White Flyer   White Whale   Who Invented The Sun   Why Did You Land?   Why Did You Land? - Matted Pelt   Will You Show Me Your Gold?   Wings of Thorn   Wingtip Repair   Wire Greyhounds   Wish You Were Young   Wished I Was A Giant   With Glass in Foot   Wondering Boy Poet   World 3 (You Sing It)   World of Fun   Worm with 7 Broken Hearts   Wormhole   Wrecking Now   Writer’s Bloc (Psycho All the Time)   Wrong Drama Addiction (...And Life Starts Here...)   Xeno Pariah   Yellow Wife No. 5   You Can Fly Anything Right   You Can’t Hold Your Women   You First   You Get Every Game   You Learn Something Old Every Day   You The Doctor   You Will Be There   You're Not an Airplane   You’re Not An Airplane   Your Name Is Wild   Yours To Keep   Zap   Zero Elasticity   Zoo Pie

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