I can't be herenWhile this scene is playing outnWhile you're on edgenYou take it awaynJust to see what you have leftnIt isn't muchnI have to saynThat you're building a fencenTo keep all distractions outnand to keep all attractions innYou've left me no choicenI'm floating awaynCause you're playing hard to wantnAnd hard to ignorennBut i can't be near younWhile you fashion something newnWhile you're alonenIsn't it always the way?nYou should take your own advicenas readily as you give it outnBut you're using past tensenlike you're already absolved andnLike i'm already expirednYou've left me no chiocenI'm floating awaynAs i'm playing hard to wantnand hard to ignorennBut when you speak it feels betternAnd when you stare it feels betternIs this the bit you don't remember?nBecause you say you think it's probably better that waynCause it saves confusionnnBut i know you're playingnand i can't take itnSo i'm playing hard to want oh oh ohn(you keep on saying)n(so i'll keep on staying)n(and you keep on preying)nAnd i can't take itnSo i'm playing hard to want and hard to ignore