I heard upon the day they flied,nA girl cried out for a friend who died,nFuck you! She was mine!nShe settled just enough to say,nLet the motherfuckers pay.nI got so angry that day.nnBut then what's important?nI think I used to think I used to know,nWas her vision distored?nWhen she could be the next one who could go.nWell, then what's important?nWhen we're just taking steps into the past.nIs my vision distorted?nSometimes I've gotta stop myself and ask,nnIs this real life or just a distraction?nI don't think that I'll ever know satisfaction.nIs this real life or a knee jerk reaction?nI don't think that - I don't think I'll ever know.nnDon't even realizenHow things just get so styled,nFor any lifestyle you can try yea,nThe things you think that you should donEnd up just distracting you.nHow much is filler?nHow much is just a marketing scheme?nWe've got one life to livenSo we should be living like our last.nWhat do you do with it?nSometimes I gotta stop and ask.