nnwent to the rally to protest the statenn and I started to burn a flag and demonstratenn and the cops stood idly by, but the party wouldn't abidenn their thug protest Marshall socked me in the eyenn we used to climb roofs and cranes loot on dumpsters and hop trainsnn till you bought their rag on the imperialist bourgeoisie nnand you sold your youth the day you bought their truth nnand now you're hawking worker's weekly, issue 3 nnyou never seemed like the type to obey nnand take directives from comrades everyday nnyou used to see their bullshit clear nnand the vanguard was something we feared nnback when party meant four bands and cheap beernn and your Stalinist revolution is just a fuckwit solution nnanother form of state-imposed hierarchy nnand you sold your youth the day you bought their truth nnand now you're hawking worker's weekly, issue 3 nn“revolution is just about to come nnand for two dollars you can read about the funnnone paper at a time the party ladder I will climb nn‘till state power and authority are mine”nn yeah well I have imperialists but you turned equally fascist nnand your papers won't do jack to get me free nnand you sold your youth the day you bought their truthnn and now you're hawking worker's weekly, issue 3