It's such a lonelinessnStalking here all alongnBurning all of Our bridgesnDistant from the dimming sunnSlow in the shadowsnThe demons have creptnAnd this is where the dark thirst has sleptnThe reddest of bloodnBled into thenDeepest of graysnRiding upon the restlessness of this soul betrayednThe reddest of bloodnBled into thenDeepest of graysnRiding upon the restlessness of this soul betrayednSearing into oblivionnWe are standing tallnReaching past the endnMere seconds before the fallnUnhallowed scars, far beyondnCurve through the stagnant windsnWhile the black moon lightnBurns through this grinnAll of these angelsnEver ending up deadnWhile the darkness crowsnFlying over headnThe brief momentnCuts through the regretnEnding sleepless in this moonlit cold sweatnWHO WILL YOU DIE FOR TONIGHTnWHO WILL YOU SEARCH FOR AT FIRST LIGHTnIt's such a lonelinessnStalking here all alongnBurning all of Our bridgesnDistant from the dimming sunnSlow in the shadowsnThe demons have creptnClose upon where Our thirst has sleptnWHO WILL YOU DIE FOR TONIGHTnWHO WILL YOU SEARCH FOR AT FIRST LIGHTnUNLEASH HELLnUNLEASH HELLnUNLEASH HELL..... GO