Healing by first intention: The sterile suturennDisinfect - cleanse the causenBlood out, blood in, the antiseptic skinnBacteria inferior suppressednBones and fibres restorednnHealing by second intention: The fibroblast boonnnScars to bear, sores to soothenCicatrices left to provenWhat hypertrophic granulation could not veil:nThe original wound is condemned to remainnnProtection - Restricted activity - Ice - Compression - Elevation - P-R-I-C-E - to pay !nSurgery - Concision - Autoimmunity - Recovery - Salvation - S-C-A-R-S - to stay !nnHealing by no intention: The sterile futurennDisinform - cleanse the causticnBlot out, blow in the antisceptic sinnCriteria superior oppressednBona fide replacednnTo know the sickness does not imply to have the curennTo know the sickness does not imply to elect the curennMasked molotov-inflammationnMental healing infra dignRedolent of vintage madnessnTo have the sickness does not mean to get the cure !