Did you inhale the dust? Take a deeper breath?nFeel Safe? Let's start again, ripping apart the seamsnControlled, yet now collapsednis this when time implodes?nas we see, the walls came downnnwe're wrapped up in a tight, silky webnlike the larvae, feeding upon remainsnnopen our minds and let it drift awaynthis endless moment, never to raise its siegenopen our minds and let it drift astraynthere's no awakening, never am I to sleepnnbeing baptized again, renamed to cold and hollow wornbut do I want this to end?ncontrolled, yet now collapsednthis is when when time implodesnthe hurricane season's here, cover your earsnnwe're wrapped up in a tight, silky webnlike the larvae, feeding upon remainsnnopen our minds and let it drift awaynthis endless moment, never to raise its siegenopen our minds and let it drift astraynthere's no awakening, never am I to sleep