you see the millers daughter nshes dancing with the boysnthe poor things lost her garternsomewhere in the noisennshe got eyes choking in her headnlike stub ends of cigarettesntall as a galoows...gallowesquendress the same colour as your last sunsetnnear enough to make you scaredndistant as the electric chairnthe freedom in the loots as nearnas the prosecutors proff is clearnsee the millers daughtersnshes dancing with the boysnnshe got legs as long as gun barrelsnand hips built like a stocknsee the millers daughter boysnthe pine box blonde bitch beezlebubnlife is teething...teethings cruelndyings easynits a slaver standing on thenfresh aired side of leavingnyou see the millers daughternand shes dancing with the boysnni said dr destouchesni got a disease in this placenan immaculate contrractionnbut still a typical caseni said dr destouchesni hardly got her knickers lownand they tangled her legs like spider websni woke in a fever when the rooster crowednsee the millers daughter??nshes dancing with the boys