Humanity feast again upon the bittersweet agonynBlameful souls made to serve the persevencenCarving out the innocence bit by bitnSee the unpure flesh burnnnMy morphine is your disbeliefnYour lack of knowledge, your fear of pain, your human weakness.nAn endless search for peace of mind, never resting.nMy morphine is your disbeliefnAn idol nailed upon the cross misleading thousandsnYour belief in divinity, your weakness is your fear of God.nnThis is the modest modern MessiahnServing all the blinded all the misleadnThis is the modest modern MessiahnThorned and weaknnReligion, your weak excuse for livingnDenying a lying world you're blindednYou follow treason till the endnBut your son of nothing fadesnnMy morphine is your disbeliefnAn idol nailed upon the cross misleading thousandsnYour belief in divinity, your weakness is your fear of God.nnThis is the modest modern Messiah...nnCant you see him for the lie that he really is?nAn illusion of past cravingsnNo longer required in this dying worldnYour sins did not die with him