It wiped us out
Without a doubt
Tore through our camps
Scoured us peons
Bending our minds
Past flexibility
This design
Could only be
Conceived by what
What controls our deity
Amongst us no ideals
Sinister, yet somehow
Someway protecting fears
Oh well
We're fucked
Stuck between
Some stone
And well
What shall
Seal our fate
As we fall like flies
Lives, lives they do die
Lies they weigh me down
Drives my knees into the ground
The boulders that we roll
The ones that we mold
Forming this wall
That's not understood
But certainly
It does contain
The contents
The remains
Of which whom have
Contracted illness
Brain-stomping sickness
Minus intrusion
Driven to infancy
Spitting-up violently
I'm spitting-up so violently
Why do you haul me
Off to impending doom
Of to the tomb of stone
Disfigured limbs and such
Human anatomies
Mixed-up in gravel
Conglomerate, combo