This deck chair collapsednnthis maybe or perhapsnnthe route that sadness mapsnnthrough those long and awkward gapsnnnnthose broken fairy wingsnnthose tangled puppet stringsnnthose roundabout soft swingsnnthe heartache indecision bringsnnnnlife my girl will take away that optimistic skipnnstick it's big foot out and try deliberately to tripnnsubstitute young hope with arthritic hipnntake your saturdays and attach them to a dripnnnnthat banaster we slidennthe wild horse we ridennthat flows from side to sidennthe roughest smooth yet to decidennnnthe cowardly the boldnnthe fireworks they holdnnthe overkill the undersoldnnalready told you to unfoldnnnnlife my girl will take away that optimistic skipnnstick it's big foot out and try deliberately to tripnnsubstitute young hope with arthritic hipnntake your saturdays and attach them to a dripnnnnthey're fluent double dutchnnthey're feeling out of touchnnthat nonsense or nonsuchnnnot quite enough or just too muchnnnnlife my girl will take away that optimistic skipnnstick it's big foot out and try deliberately to tripnnsubstitute young hope with arthritic hipnntake your saturdays and attach them to a dripnnnnthis deck chair collapsed