Natalie, Natalie, I'm floating
You know I did not mean to block your way
The lights are dark in Madison
I've got your hand and I could not
Care less who sees
Sheltered, sheltered by the awning
A free ride north is worth everything you are to me
What's behind your charcoal black frames?
We'll grab that light and we'll feed Georgia to the flames
Natalie, Natalie
You're only free inside my dreams
And the attrition of cognition
Is killing me
The smell of cheap cologne
As I hang my head in the pew
In a deserted strip mall
Deluded excursions
An hour
Strip me of all of my pour
If it means I get to see you
And yet I only know
Your name, your face, your smile, your eyes
Natalie, Natalie
Why must you only be a dream?
And this attrition of cognition
Is killing me
Natalie, my Natalie
Why must you only be a dream?
And the attrition of cognition
Is killing me
I'm plagiarizing subconsciousness
You're a dream, Natalie